If this is your first time, park in Guest Parking in the Blue Lot located across the street from the Wellness Center (2924 Trice Ave). We can't wait to meet you!
If this is your first time, park in Guest Parking in the Blue Lot located across the street from the Wellness Center (2924 Trice Ave). We can't wait to meet you!
We are a people who love to sing and worship Jesus passionately! Click the icon to find out more.
You’ll find people at Highland from all ages, colors, and nationalities.
We offer ministries for Preschool, Kids (Kinder-5th), and Students (6th-12th). Visit our Ministry Pages for more info.
We gather every Sunday at 8:40, 10, & 4pm in the Highland Life Center (across from the Red and Blue Lots).
Want to grow in your faith? Try out a Connection Group (CGs meet in homes throughout the week), or an Adult Bible Fellowship (ABFs meet on campus every Sunday).
At Highland you can find many opportunities to serve our church, the neighborhood, and the world. Click the icon to find out how to serve.