


We believe that giving is an opportunity from the Lord. When you give financially to Highland, you are giving to support local and foreign missions, church ministries, missionaries around the world, and much more. Be a part of God's work today! 

contribution statements for 2024

If you will need a copy of your contribution statement for 2024, please be sure to include the following information in an email request sent to   :

  • Name associated with the account
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Indicate PDF via email or Paper Copy via postal mail 

Statement requests are worked in the order they are received.

Ways to give

Online giving allows you to prayerfully choose an amount and frequency of your giving, and then it is set, preventing forgetfulness or unforeseen events from hindering your giving.


Give from any text-enabled device, anytime and anywhere, simply by sending a text message.

  1. Enter a whole dollar amount (10=$10.00, 500=$500.00) into the message box.
  2. Send the text to (254) 220-4845.
  3. First time only, you will be sent a link. Click on the link and enter your information to complete your one-time enrollment.
  4. From then on, text any amount to the above number and give!
To give to a specific fund, you can add a keyword before the amount (i.e., to give $25 to Missions text Missions 25). All texting without a keyword will be given to the General Fund. Funds that you can give to include Missions (keyword: Missions), Future Generations (keyword: Future) and Wellness Center (keyword: Wellness).

Give to the Lord through our giving kiosks located in the Lobby.

1. Simply choose to give to the General Budget, Missions, Future Generations, or Wellness Center.

2. Swipe your card to give. It's that easy!

Before or after each Sunday Gathering you can place your check or cash into one of our drop-boxes located at each door.

Donating appreciated investments has several helpful tangible benefits: The giver does not need to pay any capital gains tax on the appreciation of the asset and the charitable tax deduction is for the full fair market value of the donated assets at the time of the gift!

Cryptocurrency, also known as Virtual Currency or “Crypto,” is a digital asset designed to function as an alternative to sovereign fiat currency (US Dollars, for example) whereby transactions between two parties are verified through a public, distributed ledger, also known as a blockchain. Most people think of Bitcoin and/or Ether when they hear the word “Crypto,” and while Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency and most widely followed, there are a number of cryptocurrencies currently available.

Please email   for any questions or help.