


The Preschool Ministry (newborn through Pre-K) partners with parents to raise our little ones to know and serve the Lord. We provide a safe and loving environment where preschoolers know that God loves them, and that His Word is living and true. Preschool classes, including nursery, are offered during all Gatherings. Preschool activity bags are located at the interior doors of the Life Center for your child’s use during either of the Gathering hours.

Jesus said in Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.”  

Preschool Check-In

Keeping our preschoolers safe and secure is our highest priority. We have three computer check-in stations in the Preschool Hall to enable parents to quickly and easily check-in. Our system assigns a unique number to each child every week, giving our staff a way to contact parents if necessary during the Gatherings. A guardian receipt is required upon pick-up of each child in all preschool classes.

Follow Highland Preschool Ministry on Facebook

Weekly Events

The Preschool Hall is located on the 2nd floor of our Education Building. We provide classes on Sundays at 8:40, 10, 11:20am, and 4pm where our curriculum takes us through the entire Bible every three years. Preschoolers learn truths about God, Jesus, and the Bible through interactive lessons, songs, crafts, and activities.

Preschoolers have the opportunity to grow through our Kids Foundation program during the fall and spring semesters. In Kids Foundation, we equip kids with the Truth, empowering them to defend their faith as set apart followers of Jesus. We partner with families to lay a strong foundation through Scripture, worship, and discipleship in fun and engaging ways. Click HERE for more information. The fall semester starts September 11. 

Parents Night Out

Friday, Mar 28

6PM - 10PM

Register Here

Baby dedication

Baby dedication is scheduled five times per year and happens at every Gathering hour on that given Sunday. The next dedication is May 11 in the 8:40, 10, 11:20 and 4pm Gatherings. If you are considering having your child dedicated, fill out the form below by Friday, May 2. We look forward to celebrating this special time with your family! The following baby dedication date is August 3.

Please fill out this form or email Amy Granger for more info.

Baby Dedication Form

Volunteer Resources

At the beginning of each semester we have opportunities available to begin serving with preschoolers. Our first requirement is that you are a member of Highland or are on the road to membership. For more information about the volunteer application process, email Ann Shirley.

Parent Volunteer Schedule
Parent volunteers are vital to our Preschool environment – we could not provide safe, loving care without our parent helpers! All preschool parents who are members at Highland are asked to serve in this capacity about two times per year, during both the 8:40 and 10am Gatherings.  If you are unable to serve on the Sunday you are scheduled, we ask that you switch with another family on the list ASAP, and let us know about the switch. All preschool parents who help in the nursery are screened with a background check and supervised by a lead teacher.

Email Ann Shirley to find out how to serve.

Kids Kingdom

Kids Kingdom is our twice-a-week Parent's Day Out program. The Kids Kingdom staff works together to ensure that each child is taught according to the “age-appropriate” teaching philosophy. This philosophy is based on Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

“The way he should go” recognizes that God makes each person uniquely special and has a plan for the “way” each should go. Through this philosophy, each child will receive foundations that will help him/her develop as a whole child, according to God’s design (mentally, physically, spiritually, socially, and emotionally).

The fall/spring program meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am-2:30pm. We generally coincide with the WISD school holiday schedule. 

For more information or to find out current availability for the 2024-25 school year, contact Ann Moody.


Preschool Minister

Preschool Assistant: Kids Kingdom

Preschool/Kids Admin, Associate Preschool Minister

Preschool Assistant, Associate Kids Minister