


Our Adult Groups Ministry seeks to equip members of Highland to be on mission for the good of the church, their neighbors, and the world in accordance with Ephesians 4:11-12, “And He gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…

The role of the local church is to equip believers to be ministers of the Gospel in word and deed. At Highland, we do this primarily through preaching, teaching, and living out God’s Word through corporate worship, Adult Bible Fellowships, and Connection Groups.

If you would like to connect to a group, contact Peggy Lively and we will help you do so!

Adult Groups

Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs) are Bible study classes that meet weekly on Sunday mornings. An ABF is a great place to find community and to grow in the knowledge of God's Word. These classes will start back in the new year on Jan 19. 

Find an ABF

Connection Groups (CGs) meet in homes throughout the Waco area on various nights of the week. These small groups emphasize the application of God's Word by providing an environment of community, prayer, mutual accountability, and encouragement.


Learn More

Inductive Bible Studies are dedicated to the in-depth study of God's Word in the context of relationship. The 12-week Highland Inductive Studies are offered each fall and spring semester on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8pm. Women also have a Thursday morning option from 9:30-11am, no childcare provided. Women gather in the Chapel and men gather in the Fellowship Hall at round tables to build community and a large group teaching time. For more information, contact Peggy Lively. Inductive Study will begin Jan 22. 

Register for Men's Inductive Study HERE.

Register for Women's Inductive Study HERE.

Soul Care Groups provide a safe, discreet, intentional, and compassionate environment for people who are struggling with sin and the effects of sin to seek healing. In these groups, men and women share their struggles with each other and with God, turning to Christ for strength and healing which is found through His Spirit and by His Word. Soul Care Groups meet on Wednesdays, from 6:30-8pm and will resume Jan 22.

The cost for materials is based on the class attended. Scholarships are available based on need.

Register for all Soul Care groups HERE.


Grief Share - Brandy Wilson

This group exists to engage those seeking support to heal from the pain of loss with the truth and hope of the Gospel.

Freedom Fight - Ben Calkins, Maddie Lewis, Holly Perez

Freedom Fight addresses the root issues beneath sexual temptations and behaviors in order seek restoration through the truth and hope of the Gospel. Men's and Women's groups offered separately.

Parents of Children struggling with Same Sex Attraction and Gender Identity - Dale and Beth Smith

How do Christian parents use Biblical truth to combat the lies of our current culture on these issues? How can we lovingly accept our children without approving of what they may be embracing?  This group will provide a safe space for hurting parents who need hope, strength and wisdom as they navigate the challenges of honoring and obeying God first, while loving their children and leading them toward Christ. 

re:generation - JP & Katie Pizzio, Bear Whitehead, Wren Pauley

Find freedom from all struggles, including: anxiety/depression, pornography, fear, control, substance abuse, codependency, sexual abuse, same-sex attraction, eating disorders/body image, anger, obsessive thoughts, and any other struggle that has you stuck. Men's and Women's groups offered separately. 

Mended Hearts - Jamie Beggs

This group exists to support and encourage single moms with the hope and truth found in the Gospel.  

Parents of Children with Special Needs - Jason and Rene Tilsley

This group meets to encourage and support parents in the challenges of parenting children with special needs. They will be encouraged by pointing them to the hope, strength and wisdom found in Christ, and will have the support of others to know that they are not alone.


RightNow Media features over 20,000+ videos for all ages. We are giving everyone in our church family access to this FREE resource. We as a church want to empower, equip you, and resource you as you seek to follow Jesus together, loving seeking, and serving others. You can log in or create your account.

Highland Inductive Studies are written with the people of Highland in mind and are used in our midweek Bible studies for men and women. These workbooks use the inductive study method to equip men and women with the tools to know God accurately and intimately through His Word. Current Highland Inductive studies available include the following books of the Bible:

Exodus, Mark, Hosea, Ephesians, two part study of Acts, and 1&2 Peter. To purchase a workbook or to receive a free downloadable PDF, contact Peggy Lively. For additional suggestions for discipling others you can review our recommendations for Discipleship Resources.


Countdown to Marriage

Legacy Family Ministries will be hosting their Countdown to Marriage class on Highland's campus Sunday mornings at 8:40. A small group of engaged couples will interact and discuss Biblical and practical teachings concerning marriage. This is a six-week class that begins Jan 26 and concludes with a weekend retreat March 15-16. Each person receives their own workbook.

COST: $150 per person

Registration for the spring Countdown class is full. 


Groups Pastor

Women’s Minister/Admin Lead

Associate Groups Minister

Adults/Grow Admin

Groups/Men's Resident

Women's Resident