Ryan Oakes
Student Pastor
HSM strives to be a place where students in grades 6-12 embrace a Kingdom Culture by experiencing true fellowship, following Jesus’ Kingship, seeking His will, and advancing His Kingdom.
Highland as a whole sums up these values in three words: Gather, Grow, Go.
To sign up for our parent email, please contact Ryan Oakes.
High School Info Card & Dates | Middle School Info Card & Dates
Each Sunday during the school year, all students in grades 6-12 will meet in the Youth Room (1st floor Education Building) for announcements, Scripture reading, worship, before MS splits into grade specific classrooms. Adult leaders will teach and engage the students with God’s Word.
Each Wednesday night, all students in grades 6-8 will gather in the Basement (MS Room between doors F & G, beneath the Chapel) for games, worship, teaching, and small groups. Small groups are led by trusted college students & young adult leaders who have a passion for God's Word and for discipleship.
Disciple Now is a student ministry weekend retreat. Students stay in homes here in Waco, divided up by grade and gender. The weekend is also packed full of worship, teaching, games, and food! DNOW is a great time for familiar and new students to get to know one another and connect to the student ministry as a whole! You can learn more and register at this link.
Each Sunday morning, all students in grades 6-12 will gather in the Youth Room (1st floor Education Building) for announcements, Scripture reading, & worship, before splitting into multiple breakouts. Adult leaders, staff, and guest speakers will engage students in a number of different topics that operate on a 6-8 week rotation.
All students in grades 9-12 rally in the Youth Room! For the 2024-2025 School Year, we will be in the Book of Romans. Wednesday night rotates through the following formats: Midweek Gathering, where students will enjoy a large snack, fellowship, student-led worship, and Biblical teaching; Midweek Small Groups, where students will come together for worship and an opening activity before splitting into grade/gender-specific Small Groups; Midweek Hybrid, where students will gather for worship, Biblical teaching, and Small Groups.
Disciple Now is a student ministry weekend retreat. Students stay in homes here in Waco, divided up by grade and gender. The weekend is also packed full of worship, teaching, games, and food! DNOW is a great time for familiar and new students to get to know one another and connect to the student ministry as a whole! You can learn more and register at this link.
This summer, we are heading back for Term 3, June 16-21, 2025. "Beloved and Beyond exists to spread the hope and love of Jesus Christ with people who have differing abilities through camps, socialization, and on the job training while growing the community to embrace the same." To learn more about this opportunity, please click this link!
Every other summer, we take up to 20 high school students to the New Life Children's Home in Villa Nueva, Guatemala! The primary goal of this trip is to minister to and serve the children at New Life along with providing relief for the house parents and missionaries. The children attend the school on site, and their school break typically falls on the same week we are there. So along with doing VBS type activities and games with the children all week, we will be serving where needed on the New Life property doing projects they have planned for us. At the end of the day, we will join the children in their group homes to have a meal together. The trip is from June 21-28, 2025. Applications are closed.
Small Group Leaders: College students and young adults who want to disciple students weekly through small group discussion and attending our large group gatherings and events.
Lead Teachers: Parents and young adults who want to engage our students in God’s Word through teaching curriculum and facilitating large group discussions.
Hospitality Team: Parents who want to serve our students and volunteers by helping us host them for special events or leader training events.
Please fill out this application or email if you have any questions.
Student Pastor
Associate Student Minister: Girls
Associate Student Minister: Middle School
College/Student Admin
Student Assistant
Student Assistant
Student Assistant
Student Resident