
Mountaintops: Jehovah Jireh - Ryan Oakes

Series: Mountaintops

Mountaintops: Jehovah Jireh - Ryan Oakes

May 21, 2023 | Ryan Oakes

Faith’s mountain tops are often surrounded by hills and valleys

Genesis 12:1-3 (ESV)

Genesis 15:1-6 (ESV)

Abraham often remembered the promise, but forgot the Promise Keeper.

  1. Genesis 12:10-20

At the first sign of trouble, Abraham quickly takes his eyes off of God and onto himself.

  1. Genesis 16

Generally, Abraham trusted God, but when pushed, he ultimately decided God needed his help.

  1. Genesis 20

Fear often swayed Abraham towards old habits.

Genesis 22:1-3 (ESV)

 Genesis 22:4-8 (ESV)

Hebrews 11:17-19 (ESV)

 A tested faith in God pushes on, not knowing how or why or where or when, but knowing Who.

 Genesis 22:9-14 (ESV)

 In the end, we see that the God who tests is also the God who provides. The Tester is the Provider – both true of God, only understood by faith.

 If God took _____ away, would He still be good?

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