Emily Kelly
Women’s Minister/Admin Lead
Highland Women exists to provide intentional environments where women can walk together as disciples of Jesus. Our desire is to equip women to know God, to grow in Christ together, and to make disciples in our spheres of influence (Eph. 4:11-16, Col. 1:28-29).
Highland's primary points of connection for adults are through Adult Bible Fellowships and Connection Groups. Scroll down to see additional, women-specific opportunities to grow.
Follow us on Instagram HERE.
To subscribe to Highland Women's newsletter, contact Emily Kelly.
Interested in serving with Highland Women? Fill out this form.
Join our Women’s Inductive Study each fall and spring semester, as we seek to know God as He has revealed Himself through the Scriptures. We do this through in-depth, individual Bible study, round table discussion, and large group teaching. Our two study options are Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8pm (childcare available) or Thursday mornings from 9:30-11am (no childcare). This spring Highland Men and Women are studying Exodus, looking at God's work of establishing a people and bringing them near to Himself.
For more information, contact Emily Kelly.
A disciple is a devoted follower of Jesus Christ who denies self, walks closely with Him, and invites others to do the same. At Highland, a Women's Discipleship Group is a small group of women who meet consistently for eight-twelve weeks each fall, spring, and/or summer. They meet faithfully to grow in Christlikeness, with the intention that group members grow in their confidence and ability to disciple others.
At the end of their initial eight-twelve weeks together, groups have the option to stop meeting or to continue meeting for another eight-twelve weeks, based on the needs of their specific group.
What we offer
Group Discipleship: Each September, February, and May, vetted Highland women are trained, then sent, to meet with two other women who desire to grow in Christlikeness and as disciple-makers. Throughout their eight-twelve weeks together, these women are trained to also go and make disciples of Jesus in their unique spheres of influence. We connect leaders with women seeking discipleship, or leaders initiate discipleship relationships with women they already know.
Discipleship Groups for Spring 2025 are closed. Summer Discipleship Groups will open in May 2025.
For more information on Women’s Discipleship at Highland, contact Kendall Oakes.
In The Works: Women’s Ministry Podcast
In the Works is a podcast of Highland Women, the women’s ministry of Highland Baptist Church! The goal of this podcast is to partner with you as we make disciples of Jesus. Together we want to walk with Him, become like Him, and make Him known to those around us. This season we dive into and discuss a section of Scripture in 2 Timothy and close with practical disciplines and discipleship/leadership tips for you to incorporate as you fulfill your ministry.
Click here to start listening on Spotify.
Click here to start listening on Apple Podcasts.
Each Sunday, women gather in the Wellness Center, Multipurpose room A, from 8-8:30am to pray for one another and for our church. This is an opportunity for women to serve our church and community together through intercessory prayer. For more information on our Women's Prayer Team, contact Emily Kelly.
Soul Care Groups provide an intentional and compassionate environment for people to seek healing from all manner of suffering. Suffering can come as a result of our own sin, the sin of another person, and/ or from the pain of living in a broken world. In Soul Care Groups, women share their struggles with each other and with God, turning to Christ for strength and healing, through His Spirit and by His Word.
Soul Care Groups meet on Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm each fall and spring semester. Each group intentionally covers one topic for the duration of the semester, incorporating a ministry of prayer and presence, and directing one another to the hope of Jesus Christ.
For a full listing of Soul Care groups see the Adults page.
One-on-One Soul Care exists to serve as time-limited, focused care for those walking through difficult seasons to help them remain connected to the heart of Christ and His Church. The goal of this ministry is to [1] provide space to process trials, sufferings, and sin in the context of God’s unwavering love and grace (Ps 103:8-14), [2] to encourage participants to consider the Lord’s desire to minister to their feeble, broken hearts (Ps 34:18, 22), and finally [3] to help participants practice courage in entrusting these circumstances to a body of believers for the sharing of burdens and restoration of life [Jm. 5:16]. One-on-One Soul Care is not professional counseling. If the observation is made that professional counseling or another trained specialty is better suited and equipped to treat a participant’s current circumstances, the appropriate referrals will be made.
For more information and to connect with a lay leader for one-on-one soul care, fill out a request form HERE.
Summer 2025 Women's Discipleship Training
Join Highland Women on Wednesday, May 14 from 6:30-8pm, for our Summer Women's Discipleship Training! This training is intended to prepare women for upcoming summer discipleship opportunities and is required for all Highland Women Discipleship leaders. We'll walk through a vision for Disciple-Making and prepare for our Summer Discipleship Groups. This summer, groups will be practicing spiritual disciplines together using the book of Colossians as our content!
This training will be in the Chapel Sanctuary and room C1.
Dinner and childcare will be provided. Register HERE.
Women’s Minister/Admin Lead
Women's Ministry Assistant
Associate Groups Minister
Adults/Grow Admin
Women's Resident