Series: Vision Sunday 2023
Vision Sunday 2023
January 15, 2023 | John Durham
COLOSSIANS 2:1-4 The church is the beautifully designated bride of Jesus, the church is the uniquely designated carrier of the Gospel and the Church is the sole, survivor when the end comes. THE NEW TESTAMENT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE UNLESS YOU READ IT THROUGH THE LENS OF A LOCAL CHURCH The bulk of the New Testament is Written to churches (Romans, I/II Cor, Gal, Eph, Phil, Col, I/IIThess, Rev) . Written to leaders in churches (Titus, I/II Tim, I/II Peter, I/II/III John, Jude). Matt/Mark/Luke/John tell us that Jesus is going to build His church and the gates of hell won’t prevail. Acts is the planting of churches and the spread of churches.
COLOSSIANS 2:5 2 things made Paul rejoice,
COLOSSIANS 2:5 I rejoicing to see your good order and the firmness of your faith in Christ.
How do we seal all of this? How do we receive power to accomplish all of this? Prayer!
Where prayer is present in the church, it's saying teaches the church that we really need the Lord. Where prayer is absent, it reinforces the assumption that we're okay without Him.
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