Series: The Debt's Been Paid
The Debt's Been Paid: A Reminder of Christ's Love
March 28, 2021 | John Durham
Passage: 1 Peter 1:18-19
I PETER Peter writes this letter in the context of persecution and the context of Gospel explosion!
1:18 JESUS RANSOMED US TO A WHOLE NEW WAY OF LIFE! He paid for your freedom to live life in a brand new way!
Jesus did not come enhance the old way of life He came to replace our old way of life and give us a completely new, wonderfully new life!
1:18 not with perishable things such as silver or gold. OUR ETERNAL SOUL CANNOT BE PURCHASED BY NON-ETERNAL THINGS.
How were we saved? 1:19 but with the precious blood of Christ, GOD HAS DELIVERED YOU THE BEST SALVATION HE CAN AFFORD! He has nothing greater to give that!
Why is this blood so costly? 1:19 like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.
So we come to communion today to remember this truth! That God has provided for sinners the best salvation He can afford!
Series Information

There is a chasm between humanity and the Creator of the Universe. The chasm is caused by sin that has entered humanity and the cost of sin is eternal separation from sinless God. Find out how the debt has been paid for us as we close in on Resurrection Sunday.